Hello, my name is
Amit Sarkar
And I'm a

About me

Amit's Profile Picture
I'm Amit and I'm a

Hi, my name is Amit Sarkar, and I am a B.Tech student in Computer Science and Engineering at Camellia Institute of Technology & Management. I completed my Diploma in Computer Science and Technology from APC Roy Polytechnic in 2019. I am a skilled Android Developer with experience in developing and delivering high-quality mobile applications. I have been working in this role since December 2021 and have gained a great deal of knowledge in new technologies and app development. I am passionate about software development and enjoy exploring new technologies to create innovative and efficient solutions. In my free time, I enjoy learning about new developments in the tech industry and working on my own programming projects. I look forward to the opportunity to continue growing my skills and contributing to the field of software development.

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My services

Web Design

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Apps Design

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My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

As an Android Developer, I began my career using Java to develop high-quality mobile applications for clients. I gained a deep understanding of the Android platform and the best practices for creating user-friendly, efficient, and secure applications. Over time, I became interested in Kotlin, a more modern and concise programming language, and transitioned to using Kotlin in my development work. I found that Kotlin allowed me to write code more quickly and with fewer errors, leading to more streamlined and efficient development workflows.

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Java 70%
Kotlin 70%
Android Studio 70%
Spring Boot 50%
MySQL 50%
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My teams

Contact me

Get in Touch

I'm there for you if you getting issue or want to connect with us the please fill below credintial our team connect with you as soon as possible.

Amit Sarkar
Hooghly, West Bengal
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